Education and Empowerment Programme" is to build a learning space for children who miss out on education opportunities due to various social, economic and family reasons. We are running two branches of the project i.e. the full time course for non-schooling and drop-out students and the part-time support course for school goers under RTE act . The aim is to help children grow as responsible and educated good citizens of the society. We have more than 300 children enrolled in this project. Their curriculum includes subject wise learning assistance, weekly activity days and sessions on various social aspects. Life Skill training to empower them and activity oriented learning is the strength of the programme. We are trying to do our bit towards Sustainable Development Goal 4, 5 & 13
Having basic knowledge of computers is very important in today's time. Computer training provides a foundation on which students can build new skills on the working platform.... This course is dedicated to help and educate users on computer-related topics specially for people who do not have easy access and an afforadable environment. The course is divided into 4 levels: Fundamental, Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. We offer 18+ different certified courses.
We are trying to do our bit towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 Tailoring course is one of the first projects of Social Vision for women from rural areas... who never had the privilege of education or got the opportunity to work due to various social and personal reasons, but have a keen desire to earn for themselves and become financially independent. This free course is for three months and later when they complete the course, they're hired as tailors. Their task is to stitch masks and cloth bags of different designs and shapes which forms the cloth bag production unit. They are paid based on the number of masks and bags they stitch. We are happy to inform that this training has helped more than 700 women in the last three years.
"The art of Communication is the language of leadership".Training children, teenagers and women in development of their skills to help them improve their own future is another attribute of Social Vision.... Among the youth in this area, juvenile, drug addiction and other unethical cases are common. Women dealing with various physical, psychological and emotional backlash is another supreme concern. The aim of this project is to help such people, to widen their horizons of existence. By helping them grow in their communication builds self confidence and other qualities, for a better future.
Under SDG GOal -13 Save Planet, recycling the used clothes and other materias into the new useful items makes the people aware of one of the methods of saving environment.... Training unemployed women community to make best out of waste also becomes an income generation programme for them. Social Vision does this to empower a group of 100+ women to generate income from the waste articles. We collect all used materials from Delhi/ NCR and after distributing the best we train the women to recycle the waste.
Working towards SDG Goal 5- 'Gender Equality' we are providing training to the unemployed women with beauty culture course giving them a way of self employment oportunity.... 100s of trainees are trained and we are happy that many are generating income out of it.
It is said that if you want to master English, get involved and practice as much as possible. English Language Training is a course for all those who have a desire to work on their English proficiency.... We provide Online and offline classes to the children of all age groups to grow & better themselves with good language skills. The course structure includes reading ,writing speaking and listening skills based on CBSE format. Vocabulary and grammar buliding exercises are also taken up. with qualified trainers providing an opportunity to the youngsters.
One of the growing industry with employment is retail and social vision trains the underprivileged children a retail course free of cost , helping them to find the employment in the leading companies.... 2 months training both classroom and virtual is provided to strengthen them with retail & soft skills which form the essential content of the programme. The placement partners help us to place the trained candidate in retail outlets.
In continuation to achieve SDG-4, the underprivilaged neither have their own car to learn driving nor the drivng schools give them enough classes to be skilled in driving.... Social Vision Skill development includes free driving classes for the underprivilaged to learn driving skills to get employment in the private sectors.
"Noone has ever become poor by giving."Social Vision Charity Mall is the concept created in 2019 for creating a platform to promote reuse of of recycled goods. During the last two years we have supported 5000+ families with various products for their daily use. This project has been of tremendous for people living in nearby localities specially daily wage workers, rikshaw-pullers, farmers and drivers to find their daily use articles. We collect the old materials form Housing Societies, Schools, Institutions, companies etc in Delhi/ NCR for recycling. The campaign van reaches the doorsteps for the collection and bring it to the Charity Mall for the people in need to take and use. The remaining and damaged materials are converted into cloth bags and other utility items in our “Cutting, Tailoring and Recycle Training Centre” where number of underprivileged women are trained and generate income from these waste articles.
Your Scrap can change the life of an underprivilaged. Do not hesitate to call us. We will pick up your surplus and distribute them to the needy.
Charity Mall is the place of exchange with a moto " No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted". Reusing the old things and not dumping them around is the best Service to the enviornment and at the same time Charity too.... Do not hesitate to give. Many people around us in want of small things too. Let us use each and every resourses to its optimum utility to save our natural resourses for the coming generations.
" Books are uniquely portable magic."The books you are not in need can build the life of underprivilaged children and families. Social Vision Book Bank and Library support the underprivilaged chldren and youth with the used books and stationeries for their studies.... Never discard your books after use, there are many who can get benefitted out of them. Our Volunteers are just a call away to collect them from your doorstep and make them available for the needy.
“When you put the whole picture together, recycling is the right thing to do.” Social Vision Recycle programme has multiple benefits like making best out of waste, providing income generation for the underprivilaged women group to name a few. 40+ products are available with Social Vision for resale at nominal price.
Many used materials we collect are slightly damaged and one can create something new out of it. Such things are repaired and upcycled for people's use. We never say 'no' even to the damagedor used materials because we see something new in every thing.